Quiltworx Supply List
Thank you for signing up for one of my Quiltworx classes! I’m excited to meet you virtually or in person and wanted you to have this handy supply/checklist of supplies you will be needing to successfully make your Quiltworx pattern(s). Many of the supplies can be purchased on my website.
I would like to also invite you to my new Learn to Quiltworx page on Facebook where my Quiltworx students interact and share what they are working on or have completed. It’s also where I will be posting free video tutorials beginning 2025. You can also find me and follow me at my Sew Fly Quilts FB page, Instagram and YouTube. Following and sharing is key to helping small businesses like mine to reach more Quilty friends and grow our business.
Sew Fly Quilts
ZOOM Class Registration - Jungle Magnolia